Tomorrow Never Knows

Despite gas prices, I love driving. It really allows me to think and assess what I have and what I want and/or need in my life. On my way home from another fantastic conducting symposium today, I took the 3 hour drive home as time to think and examine some things. I’ve come to conclude that as much as I love what I do and where I teach, I’m needing something else in my life. My well feels dry and nothing I’m doing right now can quench my thirst. I also know somewhere inside that before I can move on to other things, I still have quite a few ends to tie up in this part of my life. But I don’t think I’m going to wait around for something “new” to come around. I’m going to keep working to find what it is that will bring me to my new horizons and quench the thirst I have right now.

3 thoughts on “Tomorrow Never Knows”

  1. Oh yeah. But I’m still wanting to teach for 2 more years first. I really want to get that 10 years of public school teaching done. I’m too close not to finish out. 🙂

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